Zollipops, created by 12-year-old “kidpreneur” Alina Morse, has become the top-selling sugar-free hard candy on Amazon, just before Halloween.
Sweetened with xylitol, stevia and erythritol, Zollipops help raise the mouth pH, neutralize acid and help reduce the risk of tooth decay and future development of cavities. The lollipops are GMO-free. 
"It's really awesome to give moms and families a healthy candy alternative before we all head out to trick-or-treat," Morse said. "Amazon was my first retail partner, and to see my company moving to the front of so many well-known candy companies I respect is just incredible. I'm just so shocked."
Also this season, Morse has partnered with Kroger, which is selling her 25-ct., limited-edition Halloween-branded Zollipops product. It makes her the youngest person to ever have a product on their store shelves.
In addition to Zollipops, Morse introduced Zolli Drops in 2016 and Zaffi Taffy in mid-2017, with help from younger sister Lola. Both products have the same teeth-cleaning ingredients of the signature product.
Zollipops donates 10 percent of profits to fund an increase in oral health education in schools, as well as contributes lollipops to schools and dentists who promote oral health education through the "250,000 Smiles Initiative.”