Sour punch punchies game

American Licorice has always been ahead of the curve when it comes to social media marketing, but that doesn't make their latest tie-in any less awesome.

The company officially launched Sour Punch Punchies at the Expo. The sour candies are a bite-size version of Sour Punch treats and the lemon, strawberry, tangerine, blue raspberry and green apple will make even the most jaded mouth pucker.

But what fun would a new candy be without a new online game? And that's where Michael Kelly, consumer communications manager for the company and social media guru, comes in.

He's head of the team that helped created Sour Punch Drop Zone. To play the game, you line up your face with the screen via a web cam and then try to catch the Sour Punch candy as it falls.

Of course, after you're done, the game allows you share with your friends all the hilarious poses of yourself you've just captured, while you've tried to catch virtual candy in your mouth. That's where the marketing comes in.

"It's just a great way for us to take the fan base to help spread the word," Kelly says.